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"Route.Path" module

The Route.Path module is generated based on the names of files in the src/Pages folder. Deleting a page file will automatically remove a Route.Path value. Unlike Route, it doesn't have information about query parameters or hash fragments.

This value is most commonly accessed from pages, layouts, and shared modules via the route.path field. This module comes with functions for working with <a> tags in HTML, and has a toString function for getting absolute URL paths.


The actual value of Path will vary based on the names of files in the pages folder, but it will always be a custom type. The custom type variants will only have arguments if they are for dynamic routes that need URL parameters:

Here's an example of what this might look like for an application with 4 pages:

type Path
    = Home_
    | Settings
    | Profile { id : String }
    | SignIn


This is a helpful function when rendering HTML <a> tags.

Rather than working with String URLs in your code, we recommend using either Route.Path.href or Route.href. When you delete a page, the Elm compiler can walk you through any broken links in your application. Using the standard Html.Attributes.href doesn't have that guarantee.

Route.Path.href : Path -> Html.Attribute msg

Tip: If you need to specify query or hash, use Route.href instead!

Example usage

import Html exposing (..)
import Route.Path

viewLinkToDashboard : Html msg
viewLinkToDashboard =
    a [ Route.Path.href Route.Path.Dashboard ]
      [ text "Go to Dashboard"


In rare cases, like error reporting, you may find a need to convert a Route value into a URL path.

This can also be helpful when working with Elm UI, Elm CSS, or anything that isn't elm/html values.

Route.toString : Path -> String

Note: The resulting URL string does not contain query parameters or hash fragments (see Route.toString if you need those)


When using programmatic navigation with Effect.pushRoute or Effect.replaceRoute, you might need to go from a raw URL path like "/blog" to an Elm Land route path like Route.Path.Blog.

For that reason, Elm Land also exposes a fromString function.

Route.fromString : String -> Maybe Path

Example usage

update : Route () -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update route msg model =
    case msg of
        OnSignInSuccess user ->
            ( { model | user = Just user }
            , Effect.pushRoute
                { path =
                    Dict.get "from" route.query
                        |> Maybe.andThen Route.Path.fromString
                        |> Maybe.withDefault Route.Path.Dashboard
                , query = Dict.empty
                , hash = Nothing

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