"Auth.Action" module
The Auth.Action
module is only used within your customized Auth
file. This section outlines what types and values are available to use.
When definining the behavior of Auth.onPageLoad
, this value tells Elm Land to provide the authenticated user value to the page. That page will load as expected now that it has access to the user.
Type definition
Auth.Action.loadPageWithUser : Auth.User -> Auth.Action.Action
If you want to redirect the user to the "/sign-in" or "/access-denied" page, this function will help you do that. It also supports query parameters, so you can track things like ?from=/settings
to know where to redirect users after a successful login.
Behaves like Browser.Navigation.replaceUrl, except it doesn't require a Key
Type definition
Auth.Action.replaceRoute :
{ path : Route.Path.Path
, query : Dict String String
, hash : Maybe String
-> Auth.Action.Action
This is the same as the Auth.Action.replaceRoute
function, except it adds to the URL history. Pressing the back button will return users to the current page.
Behaves like Browser.Navigation.pushUrl, except it doesn't require a Key
Type definition
Auth.Action.pushRoute :
{ path : Route.Path.Path
, query : Dict String String
, hash : Maybe String
-> Auth.Action.Action
Use this to send users to another web application when they aren't signed in. Behaves like Browser.Navigation.load.
Type definition
Auth.Action.loadExternalUrl : String -> Auth.Action.Action
Sometimes it is helpful to wait on the current page while validating if a JWT token is expired. The loadCustomPage
function will display a static view to the user while they wait.
Note: You can use Auth.viewCustomPage
to specify what to render in each scenario
Type definition
Auth.Action.loadCustomPage : Auth.Action.Action