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"Page" module

When you see import Page at the top of your file, this refers to the generated Elm Land Page module.

That module is centered around the Page Model Msg type, which every page creates with This module also contains useful "modifier" functions that allow you to add optional features to your pages.

Let's take a look at each function, and why you might use them in your own pages.


The Page.withLayout function allows your page to opt-in to a layout file. In the Layouts section, you'll learn how layouts allow you to reuse stateful UI across pages, like sidebars, navbars, etc.

Type definition

Page.withLayout :
    (Model -> Layouts.Layout Msg)
    -> Page Model Msg
    -> Page Model Msg

Usage example

module Pages.People exposing (Model, Msg, page)

import Page exposing (Page)
import Layouts
-- ...

page : Shared.Model -> Route () -> Page Model Msg
page shared route =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        |> Page.withLayout toLayout

{-| Use the sidebar layout on this page -}
toLayout : Model -> Layouts.Layout
toLayout model =
        { title = "Settings"


The Page.withOnUrlChanged function allows a page to respond to any changes in the URL that don't involve navigating to another page.

For example, going from /dashboard to /settings moves you from Pages.Dashboard to Pages.Settings. In that case, Page.withOnUrlChanged won't be called.

Instead, the Page.Settings.init function will run to initialize the new page.

Use the Page.withOnUrlChanged whenever you want to know if any "query parameters" or "hash" values have changed within a page.

But wait, there's more!

Be sure to check out Page.withOnQueryParameterChanged and Page.withOnHashChanged below, for nicer, less general APIs for common URL changes.

Type definition

Page.withOnUrlChanged :
    ({ from : Route (), to : Route () } -> Msg)
    -> Page Model Msg
    -> Page Model Msg

Usage example

module Pages.People exposing (Model, Msg, page)

import Page exposing (Page)
-- ...

page : Shared.Model -> Route () -> Page Model Msg
page shared route =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        |> Page.withOnUrlChanged UrlChanged

-- ...

type Msg
    = ...
    | UrlChanged { from : Route (), to : Route () }

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        OnUrlChanged { from, to } ->
            ( model, Effect.none )


Note: In the Route section, you'll learn about the Route type and how it stores URL information.


The Page.withOnQueryParameterChanged function allows your page to respond to changes for a certain URL query parameter.

This is a more specific version of Page.onUrlChanged, often used with filters like ?sort=name.

Type definition

Page.withOnQueryParameterChanged :
    { key : String
    , onChange : { from : Maybe String, to : Maybe String } -> Msg
    -> Page Model Msg
    -> Page Model Msg

Usage example

module Pages.People exposing (Model, Msg, page)

import Page exposing (Page)
-- ...

page : Shared.Model -> Route () -> Page Model Msg
page shared route =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        |> Page.withOnQueryParameterChanged
            { key = "sort" 
            , onChange = SortParameterChanged

-- ...

type Msg
    = ...
    | SortParameterChanged
        { from : Maybe String
        , to : Maybe String

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        SortParameterChanged { from, to } ->
            ( model, Effect.none )


Example messages

These examples are here to help you visualize what values will be passed to your update function as query parameters change:

-- When "/people" becomes "/people?sort=name"
    { from = Nothing
    , to = Just "name"

-- When "/people?sort=name" becomes "/people?sort=jobTitle"
    { from = Just "name"
    , to = Just "jobTitle"

-- When "/people?sort=jobTitle" becomes "/people"
    { from = Just "jobTitle"
    , to = Nothing


The Page.withOnHashChanged function allows your page to respond to changes in the hash or URL fragment.

This is a more specific version of Page.onUrlChanged, often used when jumping to certain sections on a page like #about-us.

Type definition

Page.withOnHashChanged :
    ({ from : Maybe String, to : Maybe String } -> Msg)
    -> Page Model Msg
    -> Page Model Msg

Usage example

module Pages.People exposing (Model, Msg, page)

import Page exposing (Page)
-- ...

page : Shared.Model -> Route () -> Page Model Msg
page shared route =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        |> Page.withOnHashChanged UrlHashChanged

-- ...

type Msg
    = ...
    | UrlHashChanged { from : Maybe String, to : Maybe String }

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        UrlHashChanged { from, to } ->
            ( model, Effect.none )


Example messages

These examples are here to help you visualize what values will be passed to your update function as the hash or URL fragment changes:

-- When "/people" becomes "/people#about-us"
    { from = Nothing
    , to = Just "about-us"

-- When "/people#about-us" becomes "/people#our-mission"
    { from = Just "about-us"
    , to = Just "our-mission"

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